Investment Linked Life Program (ILP)
What is it?
A Private Placement Life Insurance policy that combines both investment and life protection.
A low-cost life insurance policy that grows with the policy investment.
Offers an investment linked policy where life is cover is always $250k USD more than the policy’s cash value (policy investment).
Additionally, the policy provides premium financing internally (embedded inside the policy investment).
Applications for Investment Linked Life Program:
An alternative savings/investment plan with premium financing for individuals and corporations

What makes this product better:
There is no need to open a bank account to receive financing as it is automatically given on purchase
There are no interest payments to be made on the financing
No margin call on the financing arrangement
The policy and the financing investment has provisions for immediate liquidity
The policy account is managed by an asset manager with 128 billion USD under management.
The policy is financed by an S&P A-Rated Investment bank
Withdrawals and loans can be facilitated through the policy
There is no need to undertake a medical examination to purchase the policy